First heading: Appointing a royal adviser
Though not chaotic, life as of lately, has been too busy for my liking. Yet, the simplistic nature of my being knows that the infinity in God, sustains me, appreciate how the soft blankets now on bed, comfort me, and remain thankful for the way my pillow offers me sweet sleep. In these days, I draw from this Jewish Cabbalists quote, and I am grounded.
“The heavenly light never descends without a veil…it is impossible that the Divine ray can shine upon us unless it be shrouded with a diversity of sacred coverings.”
The comforts I discussed above are currently my sacred coverings. I desire nothing fancy…whatsoever. Mumblings beneath my breath, come and go. Some pretty and some sketchy! And, I am not perfect.
Last week I briefly discussed with you about a person who was imperfect before his consecration into complete service of God. I speak of Isaiah. In some sense, I really believe Chapter six starts his story, but know also the importance of the written journey. Isaiah a prolific writer and speaker begins his book by discussing the situation in Judah and desires a call to repentance. In chapter two, he prophesies about the gospel age and the calling of the Gentiles, and on how Judah failed to heed to the call of repentance and on their judgment. In chapter three, he laments on the forms of judgement on Judah. In chapter four, he writes about the captivity, and the shortage of those men left behind. He also touched on the coming of Christ. In chapter five, we have the parable of the vineyard, which I wrote about two weeks ago. In addition, chapter five also introduced the six woes. This chapter-journey basically depicts the fallen behavior of man.
I now move to chapter six.
As I mentioned last week, the applications and interpretations I found in this chapter, provided me with greater understanding. I’ll try my best to be concise in this explanation.
Although Isaiah had much concern for the people of Judah, God still believed he needed to be called to divine service. So, in a sense, it is important to ask whether this was a conversion or commission for the prophet of hope.
In Isaiah’s vision, he remarked on seeing a representation of God on the throne. The most astonishing area of his vision is, he saw God! In this vision he sees a vision of the pre-incarnate Son of God, Jesus Christ. In John 12:38-41, Jesus himself tells us of this, as he shared about this very apparition of Isaiah. Isaiah saw His glory and spoke of Christ as Messiah!
For Isaiah, the vision of Christ, is sitting in the probable stance of judgment. He is sitting on the ultimate throne as ruler of His high courts. The robe Christ wore was so magnificent it covered the interior of the entire temple. Whew! Can you imagine? Man, oh man!
The vision does not say whether Isaiah was in the temple; he could have been or not been. But Isaiah tells us, the vision was inside the temple. The robe of God is extensively magnificent! Our sacred covering! The vision of Isaiah far exceeds anything in human dimension. Gosh! And, then comes the seeing of the seraphim each one having six wings. Twain to cover their faces to give reverence to Our King. With twain they covered their feet. This one fascinates me. Why cover their feet? Some scholars believe it was because they had to occasionally do God’s work on earth. This fallen earth filled with such uncleanness. If this is so, the feet had to be covered to uphold the purity of God’s kingdom, upon their return. With twain the seraphim flew. Guys, can you picture this?
The seraphim cried onto one another and said “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Host. The honor they showed God’s beautiful description. We don’t know how many seraphim there were, but verse six tells us there were more than one. This heavenly court full of His vast glory and grandeur. In chant, the seraphim cry out to each other…Holy, three times! Holy, every time with a comma after each! Some say the use of three separate Holy, depicts the Trinity. The Lord of Host, the description implementing purity and holiness. Sovereign over all…
Indeed, Christ is sovereign over me.
Friends, because I believe 768+ words are enough for the first part of the reflection above… next week, I’ll pick up where I leave you now. May His sacred coverings serve you as the conduit to be and to always do His will.
With all my love,
Charlotte <3