Strong legs are tired and aching legs, strong arms hold similar adverbial traits. At the time of this creation my constant work outside of my daily grind require so much of me. Mending entails special consistent treatments, both inside and outside of the home. The pattern is never ending. Yet, if it wasn’t for mending, I wouldn’t have strong legs and strong arms to see everything through. And, on top of all this I must still find time to exercise and to stretch daily.
Growing up in Belize, my grandfather’s favorite motto was “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” I believe this was one coined by Benjamin Franklin. This morning as I started my day at the usual 4 am, I thought of this quote. I chuckled, then began my chores, and whispered to my grandfather in heaven, “Hey Phillip, I am still waiting for the wealthy!” Chuckled again, and went about my business.
In a conversation with my mother a few days ago, she asked about what farming in Colorado and what taking care of heritage chickens demanded. She was intrigued with the breed of Barred Plymouth Chickens now at the farm. They first came to the United States (US) on the Mayflower, and are quite friendly and not as skittish as other breeds. She learned about the type of seeds I grow, and how I plan out my canning season. Quite different from living in Belize, and the type of farming and gardening we did back then. She said in the middle of the conversation “That’s tedious and hard work.” It really is, and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. My strong legs and arms depend on healthy foods each day. A heart to love Jesus, is contingent on His words and the vibrancy of real food to keep a steady and honest connection with my mind and spirit. They must understand each other, and what may not be too clear, must be interpreted by one or the other, when necessary.
For instance…
My heart may feel deeply for someone, but my head interprets in a language I understand. At times a simple, “Don’t go there” is necessary. Though it is interesting to note, I always have the answers, but it’s not until I am reminded, is all the sensibility I need. My head then speaks to say “Now, just walk away.” And, right then my strong legs lead me to a safer place. These interpretations, I know come from God. I must be always present to recognize them. With august majesty God is always near. He is able to supply new life, new thought, and new being, as he is able to sustain them. He is able to sustain me! On the days I’d rather chill out, I know I must keep moving forward. When I fight with the squirrels eating my seeds, I must chill out. This does not mean I don’t let my presence be known from my bedroom window as they slowly creep down the fence. I have to…my aching legs require some form of reprieve.
“Yet, if there is an angel on his side as a mediator, one out of a thousand, to tell a man what’s right for him.”- (Job 33:23)
The angel came to Job as an interpreter, right? An amazing interruption, came as a campaigner for our Father. Friends, my work never stops, but this week, I intend to take extra time to sit quietly and really listen. To find advocates of our Father in my life. As I discern on what’s ahead, I’ve begun to ask these questions:
What is God trying to tell me through my thoughts, the people I speak with, my close friends, my work, duties of a mother, family member, in nature, through animals, the health choices I make…all of these things and many more. He teaches through the mediations of so many in the Bible, but specifically through his son, Jesus Christ. He continues to teach through fragments or wholeness in my everyday life. As I spend time in the Bible, I see so much more. The more time I spend right there, the more it all makes sense.
Great crunchy bread made from fine wheat has beautiful holes, I can sometimes peek right through. Jesus the bread of life, the bread from heaven, came so that I may enter heaven through Him. He is living food that quickens me. When time is not spent in the living word, life can sometimes appear as old, stale bread. A mundane process with no change in sight.
“He that eateth me, even he shall live by me” – John 6:57
As bread, Jesus satisfies my needs. But as God, he declares every need is met. God incorporates every facet of His being in me. My aches are signs of fatigue, though my spirit never hungers. And, in earnest fatigue, I write this from the most granular levels of my soul…
I stood up from my desk, looked out the window. The squirrel crept down the fence. I made my presence known. Shhh! Shhh! I said. It looked at me and climbed back up. God looks at me, and lifts me back up.
My prayer:
Father thank you for your candor as you speak through me. You live in me, and understand my weariness. You heal my muscles, my bones, and protect my heart. You are so worthy to be praised!
Spoken words:
With love,
Accompany me on my adventures. Know about what’s on my heart. Make beautiful things with me. Right here in my YouTube Community!
Rev Charlotte, you’re so down to earth and always uplifting. That’s what it means to “be the only Bible some people will ever read,” I think.
If your close neighbors don’t take advantage of your offerings online, even if they are agnostic, they still must gather how godly a life can be!
Hi Susan,
Thanks so much!
In casual writing, it’s the only time I can release my intimate soul stories. I long for the day when I can do so much more, perhaps while occasionally eating real mangoes on the beaches in Belize 🙂